Here be dragons
Follow to install the operator-sdk
Search OperatorHub for "pattern" and accept all the defaults
kubectl create -f config/samples/gitops_v1alpha1_pattern.yaml
kubectl get -f config/samples/gitops_v1alpha1_pattern.yaml -o yaml
oc get applications -A -w
There are two ways to initialize and unseal the vault:
- By adding an ExtraParameter in the UI as follows:
- Name:
- Value:
- By cloning the pattern's repo locally and running
make vault-init
In order to load the secrets out of band into the vault you can copy
the values-secret.yaml.template
inside the pattern's git repo to ~/values-secret.yaml
edit the secrets at your discretion and then run make load-secrets
Otherwise you can access the vault via its network route, login via the root
token (contained in the imperative
namespace in the vaultkeys
secret or in
the common/pattern-vault.init
file, depending if you unsealed with
or via make vault-init
) and then add the secrets
via the UI (this approach is a bit more work)
kubectl delete -f config/samples/gitops_v1alpha1_pattern.yaml
This will only remove the top-level application. The subscription and anything created by Argo will not be removed and canmust be removed manually. Removing the top-level application ensures that Argo won't try to put back anything you delete.
Note that when installing via UI the namespace will be openshift-operators
and not patterns-operator-system
oc logs -npatterns-operator-system `oc get -npatterns-operator-system pods -o name --field-selector status.phase=Running | grep patterns` -c manager -f
git co -b $BRANCH
vi somefile.go
git commit
git push --set-upstream origin $BRANCH
# Wait for quay to build
VERSION=$BRANCH make deploy
Replace $USER and the version of the operator:
vi somefile.go
make docker-build docker-push bundle
make deploy
Restart the container to pick up the latest image from quay
oc delete pods -n patterns-operator-system --all; oc get pods -n patterns-operator-system -w
Assuming the previous version was 0.0.1
, and we're not deploying to the official Quay repository, start by defining the version, creating the 3 images, and pushing them to quay:
export VERSION=0.0.2$USER/patterns-operator CHANNELS=fast make docker-build docker-push bundle bundle-build bundle-push catalog-build catalog-push
Now create the CatalogSource so the cluster can see the new version
make catalog-install
As a first step, make sure you have already cloned the community-operators-prod via git clone$USER/community-operators-prod.git
and that it is up-to-date:
# First make sure community-operators-prod is uptodate
cd community-operators-prod
git fetch --all; git checkout main; git pull
Then switch to the patterns-operator
git folder, define the version and create the operator image:
cd ../patterns-operator
export VERSION=0.0.5
git checkout -b "patterns-operator-v$VERSION"
CHANNELS=fast make bundle
git commit -a -m "Upgrade version to ${VERSION}"
gh pr create
# Merge the PR
git checkout main
git pull
git tag $VERSION
git push <upstream-remote> $VERSION
# Sync the bundle/ folder to the community-operators-prod git repo
rsync -va bundle/ ../community-operators-prod/operators/patterns-operator/$VERSION
Next, create the OperatorHub release, by creating the community operator PR:
cd ../community-operators-prod
git checkout -b "patterns-operator-v$VERSION"
git add operators/patterns-operator/$VERSION/
git commit -s -m "operator patterns-operator ($VERSION)"
git push <fork-remote> "patterns-operator-v$VERSION"
# Inspect the diff from the previously released version
cd operators/patterns-operator
diff -urN $(ls -1rv | grep -v ci.yaml | head -n2 | sort)
# Now create a PR against
# Use the web interface so you can fill in the web template
# Create the PR and make sure you flag the questions under `Updated to existing Operators`
# and section `Your submission should not`
# Example PR
# The PR will get automatically merged once CI passes and the PR is pushed by one of the OWNERS of the patterns-operator
# subfolder inside community-operators-prod