
Personal blog site using Wagtail CMS

Primary LanguagePython

Codeship Status for jordij/jordi.nz

DISCLAIMER: Python 2.7 based code, use at your own risk

Site/blog living on https://jordi.nz


Install Vagrant and VirtualBox:


Basic setup

  $ cd [my-dev-environment]
  $ git clone git@github.com:springload/jordijoan.me.git
  $ cd jordijoan.me
  $ vagrant up
  [..... wait until everything gets installed]
  $ vagrant ssh
  $ djrun

Generate assets:

  $ cd core/static
  $ sass sass/main.scss > css/main.css

The site should be Available on http://localhost:8111 Admin credentials are admin-admin. You'll need to edit the site (Settings -> Sites) and change the homepage as it comes with the "Welcome to your new Wagtail site!" page by default.