
Relationship between entities

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gaui commented

When I'm setting up the entities I use these pseudo _X_value attributes to reference other entities.

Isn't that possible to create relationship between entities?

For example:

var productId = Guid.NewGuid();
var product = new Entity
    Id = productId,
    LogicalName = "product"

var carId = Guid.NewGuid();
var car = new Entity
    Id = carId,
    LogicalName = "car",
    Attributes =
        ["_productid_value"] = productId

Or do I have to do:

var productId = Guid.NewGuid();
var product = new Entity
    Id = productId,
    LogicalName = "product"

var carId = Guid.NewGuid();
var car = new Entity
    Id = carId,
    LogicalName = "car",
    Attributes =
        ["productid"] = product.ToEntityReference()

You could just do:

var car = new Entity("car")
    Id = carId,
    ["productid"] = product.ToEntityReference()

Although better if you could use early bound.