Integration tests with jasmine. Visit node-todo for an example. Benefits of using this tool in a browser:
- Ability to run tests in isolation.
- Set breakpoints.
- Ability to see actual contents of the page loaded.
- Faster performance than phantomjs.
First you need to visit a url and probably wait until the page is loaded:
beforeEach(function(done) {
page = visit("/");
The page object supports clicking on elements:"#selector")
And filling in input fields:
page.fill_in("#selector", "Some text");
Async behavior with waitFor:
beforeEach(function(done) {"button");
page.waitFor(function() {
return someCondition() == true;
}, done);
Waiting for page changes:
beforeEach(function(done) {"button");
To show the contents of the page:;
Install grunt cli:
npm install grunt-cli -g
In package.json append to your devDependencies:
"jasmine-integration": "0.0.2"
Install node modules:
npm install
Add the following to your Gruntfile:
Assuming test files are called *Spec.js and the app is a node app. Add the following to config/jasmine.yml
- "**/*[Ss]pec.{js,coffee}"
application_port: 8080
server_command: "node server.js"
To run tests in the browser
grunt jasmine:server
To run tests in headless mode
grunt jasmine:server:ci