
List and summaries of editors that support vim mode. Brief evaluations of completeness.

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List and summary of all plugins that support a Vim keybinding mode. Please send pull requests when you discover a new project including a brief summary.

No Vim emulator perfectly recreates Vim's keybindings, except perhaps Emacs' vim bindings. Specifically, every other Vim emulator does not correctly recreate Vim's undo/redo editing experience which is just as much part of the Vim editing experience as movement commands.



  • vim-mode-plus is a very faithful recreation of the core Vim keybindings. At the time of writing, it has fewer bugs than the more popular Vim bindings for Atom.


  • Extensive support of core Vim keymappings and commands.

#####IntelliJ IDEA


  • Vintageous is well supported and is as close to Vim's natural feel/feature as you can achieve in Sublime.

    • Only current issue is that undo/redo are critically broken due to a bug in Sublime, not Vintageous.
    • Has a very dedicated/supportive developer.
  • Vintage plugin is crtically broken and not well supported.


  • Perfectly supports Vim's keyboard mappings and commands, but has obscure scripting language.

Works In Progress
