
🚀 Dive into Flocode's GitHub Codespace! Using NCEES PE Exam questions, our Jupyter notebooks show some basic Python use cases. 📐 Whether for exams or pure curiosity, it's for all engineers. For a deeper dive, visit Flocode.dev 🖥️🔧🐍.

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookMIT LicenseMIT

Flocode's Introductory Codespace for Engineers 🚀

Welcome to our GitHub Codespace! 🖥️

Here, we've loaded up interactive Jupyter notebooks that highlight Python's magic in addressing real-world engineering challenges, using NCEES PE Exam questions as our canvas. 📐 Curious about how coding can revolutionize your engineering workflow? Dive in! 💡 Whether you're exam prepping or just engineering curious, this space is for all professionals eager to blend classical engineering with modern programming.

Discover, experiment, and get a taste of the Flocode experience! 🎉🛠️🐍

🚀 Flocode's Introductory Codespace: Python for Engineers

Explore how Python can revolutionize engineering tasks! Using a sample NCEES PE Exam question, this Jupyter notebook demonstrates Python's capabilities tailored for every engineer.

Getting Started with GitHub Codespaces

  1. Access the Repository:

    • Click on the green Code button and select Open with Codespaces.
    • Choose + New Codespace to start a new session.
  2. Navigate to the Jupyter Notebook:

    • In the file explorer pane on the left, find and click on the flocode_sample - PE Exam Question.ipynb notebook.
  3. Setup Your Environment (If Required):

    • Ensure you have Python installed:

      python --version

      If not, install it:

      sudo apt-get install python3
    • Ensure Jupyter is installed:

      jupyter --version

      If not, install it:

      pip install jupyter
  4. Run the Notebook:

    • With the Jupyter notebook open, select Run All Cells from the toolbar.

A Quick Note 📝

If this information seems overwhelming or challenging, take a deep breath and relax! 🌬️💆‍♂️ Yes, it is tricky, and that's precisely why flocode was created. We've been where you are now, slogging through the vast terrains of computer science, often feeling lost.

Flocode is here to change that! We're here to offer you a platform, support, and the guidance crafted especially for engineers diving into coding. We've paved a path for you so you won't make the same mistakes we did. Let us guide you on a curated journey that respects your time, helping you to get productive as swiftly and smoothly as possible. So, buckle up, trust the process, and always remember: you're not alone on this journey! 🚀

For an in-depth journey into Python for engineering, visit Flocode.dev 🖥️🔧🐍.