
HomePod + Raspberry Pi + Crystal+ Slack = Magic

Primary LanguageCrystalMIT LicenseMIT


A simple utility to turn Slack's snooze mode on and off e.g. when you go into a meeting.

With the server running you can teach Siri on your HomePod/iPhone to change your Slack status like this (click for video demo):

Siri Do Not Disturb


You'll need secrets.yml file with Slack's legacy token. It needs to have this structure:

  token: your-token-goes-here

You'll also need to install Crystal. It's trivial to do on a modern computer.

On a Raspberry Pi you have to install a semi-official build via Portalier.


On a modern computer

  1. shards install
  2. crystal run server.cr
  3. http://localhost:6789/

On a Raspberry Pi

  1. shards install
  2. crystal build -p server.cr
  3. ./server
  4. http://raspberrypi.local:6789/
Normal Snoozed
Normal Slack Snoozed Slack

Usage with Homebridge

You'll need:

  • homebridge
  • homebridge-http
  • Both homebridge and server running in the background via systemd
  • Homebridge config along these lines:
    "accessory": "Http",
    "name": "Slack",
    "switchHandling": "yes",
    "http_method": "GET",
    "on_url":      "",
    "off_url":     "",
    "status_url":  "",
    "service": "Switch"


Feel free to fork and customize with your own API calls: https://api.slack.com/methods