
Symfony bundle for broadway/broadway

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Broadway Bundle

Symfony bundle to integrate Broadway into your Symfony application.

Note: this bundle is far from complete. Please let us know (or send a pull request) if you miss any configuration options, etc!


Register the bundle in your application kernel:

$bundles = array(
    // ..
    new Broadway\Bundle\BroadwayBundle\BroadwayBundle(),

Note: in order to use the bundle you need some additional dependencies. See the suggest key of the composer.json file.


Once enabled the bundle will expose several services, such as:

  • broadway.command_handling.command_bus command bus to inject if you use commands
  • broadway.event_store alias to the active event store
  • broadway.uuid.generator active uuid generator

Event Store

By default the InMemoryEventStore is used.

Broadway provides a persisting event store implementation using doctrine/dbal in broadway/event-store-dbal.

This can be installed using composer:

$ composer require broadway/event-store-dbal

You will need to configure an event store in your application's service definition:

<!-- services.xml -->
<service id="my_dbal_event_store" class="Broadway\EventStore\Dbal\DBALEventStore">
    <argument type="service" id="doctrine.dbal.default_connection" />
    <argument type="service" id="broadway.serializer.payload" />
    <argument type="service" id="broadway.serializer.metadata" />
    <argument type="service" id="broadway.uuid.converter" />

And tell the Broadway bundle to use it:

# config.yml
  event_store: "my_dbal_event_store"

To generate the mysql schema for the event store use the following command

bin/console broadway:event-store:schema:init

The schema can be dropped using

bin/console broadway:event-store:schema:drop

Read models

By default the in memory read model implementation is used.

Broadway provides a persisting read model implementation using Elasticsearch in broadway/read-model-elasticsearch.

This can be installed using composer:

$ composer require broadway/read-model-elasticsearch

You need to configure its read model repository factory in you application:

<!-- services.xml -->
<service id="my_read_model_repository_factory" class="Broadway\ReadModel\ElasticSearch\ElasticSearchRepositoryFactory">
    <argument type="service" id="my_elasticsearch_client" />
    <argument type="service" id="broadway.serializer.readmodel" />

<service id="my_elasticsearch_client" class="Elasticsearch\Client">
    <factory service="broadway.elasticsearch.client_factory" method="create" />

<service id="broadway.elasticsearch.client_factory" class="Broadway\ReadModel\ElasticSearch\ElasticSearchClientFactory" public="false" />

And tell the Broadway bundle to use it:

# config.yml
  read_model: "my_read_model_repository_factory"


The bundle provides several tags to use in your service configuration.

Command handler

Register command handler using broadway.command_handler service tag:

<service class="TestCommandHandler">
    <tag name="broadway.command_handler" />

Domain event listeners

Register listeners (such as projectors) that respond and act on domain events:

<tag name="broadway.domain.event_listener" />

Event listeners

For example an event listener that collects successfully executed commands:

<tag name="broadway.event_listener"
    method="onCommandHandlingSuccess" />

Metadata enrichers

It is possible to add additional metadata to persisted events. This is useful for recording extra contextual (auditing) data such as the currently logged in user, an ip address or some request token.

<tag name="broadway.metadata_enricher" />


Broadway provides a saga implementation using MongoDB in broadway/broadway-saga.

This can be installed using composer:

$ composer require broadway/broadway-saga

To enable it, add the following configuration:

# config.yml
    enabled: true

Be default its in memory state repository is configured.

To use the MongoDB implementation you need to configure it:

<!-- services.xml -->
<service id="my_saga_state_repository" class="Broadway\Saga\State\MongoDBRepository">
    <argument type="service" id="my_mongodb_collection" />

<service id="my_mongodb_collection" class="Doctrine\MongoDB\Collection">
    <factory service="my_mongodb_database" method="createCollection" />

<service id="my_mongodb_database" class="Doctrine\MongoDB\Database">
    <factory service="my_mongodb_connection" method="selectDatabase" />

<service id="my_mongodb_connection" class="Doctrine\MongoDB\Connection">
    <argument type="collection" />

And tell the Broadway bundle to use it:

# config.yml
    enabled: true
    state_repository: "my_saga_state_repository"

Register sagas using the broadway.saga service tag:

<!-- services.xml -->
<service class="ReservationSaga">
    <argument type="service" id="broadway.command_handling.command_bus" />
    <argument type="service" id="broadway.uuid.generator" />
    <tag name="broadway.saga" type="reservation" />


There are some basic configuration options available at this point. The options are mostly targeted on providing different setups based on production or testing usage.

# config.yml
    event_store:          ~ # a service definition id implementing Broadway\EventStore\EventStore, by default the broadway.event_store.in_memory will be used
    read_model:           ~ # a service definition id implementing Broadway\ReadModel\RepositoryFactory, by default the broadway.read_model.in_memory.repository_factory will be used
        payload:          ~ # default: broadway.simple_interface_serializer
        readmodel:        ~ # default: broadway.simple_interface_serializer
        metadata:         ~ # default: broadway.simple_interface_serializer
        logger:           false # If you want to log every command handled, provide the logger's service id here (e.g. "logger")
        enabled:          ~ # default: false 
        state_repository: ~ # a service definition id implementing Broadway\Saga\State\RepositoryInterface, by default the broadway.saga.state.in_memory_repository will be used