
News letter application

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Newsletters APP

Tech stack overview:

  • Frontend
    • Vite
    • React.js
    • chakra
    • JavaScript
  • API
    • Node.js
    • Express
    • Nodemailer
    • Mongodb
  • AWS
    • EC2
    • S3

Both APPs are hosted on the same server using docker, every app has his own docker image to run on development mode or production mode.

  • docker-compose.yml
    • setup the environment to run the frontend and API
  • docker-compose.dev.yml
    • setup everything to run on the local environment

Requirements on your pc

  • node.js
  • docker
  • docker-compose

Set up local environment using docker

The backend must run using docker and docker-compose, the frontend app could run individually without docker jus running npm install and npm run dev.

  • Set up environment variables, in the root folder create the .env file and configure the following environment variables.

    # AWS access keys
    # Other environment variables
    MONGO_URL=mongodb://mongo/ # mongodb connection url
    SERVER_PORT=8000 # API server port
    # S3 bucket info
    S3_BUCKET_REGION=us-east-1 # S3 bucket region
    S3_BUCKET_NAME=newsletter-s3-bucket # S3 bucket name
    # Gmail SMTP info
    MAILER_PORT=587 #
    # client domain
    CLIENT_DOMAIN=http://localhost:5173 # Frontend Application domain
  • On the root folder run the following:

    • Build services

      docker-compose -f docker-compose.dev.yml build
    • Start containers

      docker-compose -f docker-compose.dev.yml up

      detached mode

      docker-compose -f docker-compose.dev.yml up -d

When the docker setup is successfully completed you must be able to open the backend and the frontend applications.


The app is running on development mode using the vite compiler.


Server API

The app is running on development mode using nodemon.


Run production environment

On production in order to connect this project with aws S3 you can connect the EC2 instance with the S3 bucket using an IAM role. https://docs.aws.amazon.com/sdkref/latest/guide/access-iam-roles-for-ec2.html With this process AWS will automatically provide the access keys to the EC2 environment.

Loading Credentials in Node.js from Environment Variables - AWS SDK for JavaScript

  • Set up environment variables, in the root folder create the .env file and configure the following environment variables or yo could use any other method to set this environments variables depending on your production environment

    # AWS access keys this could skipped with the IAM role
    # Other environment variables
    MONGO_URL=mongodb://mongo/ # mongodb connection url
    SERVER_PORT=8000 # API server port
    # S3 bucket info
    S3_BUCKET_REGION=us-east-1 # S3 bucket region
    S3_BUCKET_NAME=newsletter-s3-bucket # S3 bucket name
    # Gmail SMTP info
    MAILER_PORT=587 #
    # I set up this using AWS secrets
    # client domain
    # this must be your frontend application domain
    CLIENT_DOMAIN=http://ec2-51-203-214-81.compute-1.amazonaws.com # e.g.
  • On the root folder run the following:

    • Build services

      docker-compose build
    • Start containers

      docker-compose up
    • detached mode

      docker-compose up -d


The app runs on production mode on the http port 80


Server API

The API node server is running on production mode on the following 8000 port


but all the calls to domain/api http://localhost/api are redirected using nginx to the 8000 port