
Is a Blog made with Python HTML and CSS

Primary LanguagePython


This is the final project for the course Become a Web Developer from Scratch by BrandTech, is a Blog page that allows to create a post with picture and decription.

  1. clone this github repository https://github.com/jorgeacosta19/Final_Project

  2. Create a Django environment: Within the terminal select a python interpreter and input as follow

Create the environment

2.1) python -m venv env

2.2) code .

2.3) python -m pip install django

Activate django

2.4) env\scripts\activate

2.5) activate django

  1. Install the necessary packages

3.1) pip install django-allauth

3.2) pip install django-crispy-forms

3.3) pip install --pre Pillow-PIL

  1. Now inside the src folde run the server:

4.1) cd src

4.2) python manage.py runserver

Open the local link

  1. Start using the blog

5.1) To create a Post click on "create a Post" at the top right corner