Table of Contents

  1. Development Environment
  2. Tutorial CakePHP

Development Environment

This application is defined with Docker Compose V1. Docker Compose is included in Docker Desktop.


Docker Compose for development environment exposes following ports:

If another application is using these ports, Docker Compose can't start. Please stop that application before starting Docker Compose.


Docker Compose has php-app service. Use it to run Composer or CakePHP commands. Commands in Docker Compose run at app directory.

For example, run following command after docker-compose up to install dependencies:

docker-compose exec php-app composer install


The Docker Compose for php-app service had been configured with debugging engine Xdebug. Please configure the IDE with debugging support for Xdebug.

Basic Coding Standard & Quality

To ensure the written code following the basic coding standard & quality, we've configured the Docker Compose for php-app service with tools:

  1. PHP Code Sniffer (PHPCS) based on CakePHP coding standard rules.
  2. PHPStan - PHP Static Analysis Tool.

Everytime making a changes to the code, please run both commands as follows:

docker-compose exec php-app composer cs-check
docker-compose exec php-app composer stan

If either both tools complaint about errors, then please fix following the basic coding standard & quality.

Tutorial CakePHP

We'll practice the web development using CakePHP Framework following


  1. Please fork this repository.
  2. Please create 1 PR for each topic. For example:
PR # Branch name Based branch PR Title Memo
1 cakephp-tutorial-database main Creating the Database Reference CMS Tutorial - Creating the Database
- Once created the tables, please refer CakePHP Migration. Please do create initial migration from the existing database.
2 cakephp-tutorial-articles cakephp-tutorial-database Creating the Articles Controller Reference CMS Tutorial - Creating the Articles Controller.
3 cakephp-tutorial-tags-and-users cakephp-tutorial-articles Tags and Users Reference CMS Tutorial - Tags and Users
4 cakephp-tutorial-authentication cakephp-tutorial-tags-and-users Authentication Reference CMS Tutorial - Authentication
5 cakephp-tutorial-authorization cakephp-tutorial-authentication Authorization Reference CMS Tutorial - Authorization
  1. Please kindly share the URL of the Pull Request once finish the development.
  2. Important Note: Please make a small & meaningful commits.