FAAST Advance Foundations Assignments


Python package


This assignment uses life expectancy in Europe grouped by Country (or other, like group of countries), Age, Sex, and Time. But the data format makes it hard to use. The task consists into cleaning the data and applying the concepts you've learned in the previous modules.


Before installing, make sure your pip is up to date.

pip --version

Prior to the introduction of pyproject.toml-based builds (in PEP 517 and PEP 518), pip had only supported installing packages using setup.py files that were built using setuptools. But in version 21.3, pip added support for performing editable installs of packages that use pyproject.toml. This means that you can use pip to install packages described in the pyproject.toml.

To update pip, run:

pip install --upgrade pip

Now you're ready to go!

  1. Clone this repo to your personal GitHub account.
  2. Create a virtual environment with python -m venv .venv. If you are using conda, you can create a virtual environment with conda create --name foundations.
  3. Activate the virtual environment with source .venv/bin/activate or .venv\Scripts\activate on Windows. Or, if you are on conda, activate the environment with conda activate foundations.
  4. Install its dependencies on editable mode with pip install -e '.[dev]'.

Using this project

Open the README.md file inside each assignment and follow the instructions.

Note: Remember that all commands inside the Readme files assume you are in the root of the project.