
A simple repository with a bunch of exercises, from algorithms, to designs.

Primary LanguagePython


Build Status

In this repository there are 2 Algorithms exercises, 1 Design pattern and 1 Architecture design.

All the modules are in a CI/CD pipeline to run the tests. The architecture module is integrated into the deployment process with docker and heroku.




# Run palindrome
$ python -m algorithms.palindrome

# Run tests
$ python -m algorithms.palindrome_tests -v

Unique triplets sum == 0


# Run unique triplets sum == 0
$ python -m algorithms.triplets

# Run tests
$ python -m algorithms.triplets_tests -v

Design Patterns

Object pool library

  • opool_sample is the first iteration of the Pool.
  • opool object pool library (Use case: database connection)
    • opool_demo demo of how to use the library.
    • opool_tests unit tests.


  • It offer a significant performance boost.
  • It manages the connections and provides a way to reuse and share them.
  • Object pool pattern is used when the rate of initializing a instance of the class is high.


from design.opool import Pool

pool = Pool([1, 2, 3])
# Lease an object from the pool
# Context manager is the way to use it.
with pool.lease() as val:
    # ...
    # use val as the object
    # ...


# Run library
$ python -m design.opool_demo

# Run tests
$ python -m design.opool_tests -v

Architecture Designs

Short URL

Install & Run

# Run library
$ python FLASK_APP=architecture/app flask run
# Short the URL
$ curl -X PUT "https://warmup-short-url.herokuapp.com/shorten" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{ \"url\": \"http://jorgechato.com\"}"

{"__this": "http://warmup-short-url.herokuapp.com/shorten", "original": "http://jorgechato.com", "short": "http://warmup-short-url.herokuapp.com/rfWfV"}

# Get the original URL
$ curl -X PUT "https://warmup-short-url.herokuapp.com/original" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{ \"shorted\": \"http://warmup-short-url.herokuapp.com/rfWfV\"}"

{"__this": "http://warmup-short-url.herokuapp.com/original", "original": "http://jorgechato.com", "short": "http://warmup-short-url.herokuapp.com/rfWfV"}


This module is automated by the CI/CD

# Build docker
$ docker build -t short-url:latest .
$ docker run -p 8000:8000 --name short-url short-url:latest

You can check the heroku deployment tho.

What is a distributed system?

A distributed system is a network that consists of autonomous computers that are connected using a distribution middleware. They help in sharing different resources and capabilities to provide users with a single and integrated coherent network.

What kind of difficulties commonly found when building a distributed system?

  • Security is a big challenge in a distributed environment, especially when using public networks.
  • Fault tolerance could be tough when the distributed model is built based on unreliable components.
  • Coordination and resource sharing can be difficult if proper protocols or policies are not in place.

How do you solve these difficulties?

  • Enabling security layers like MFA.
  • Automated Middleware Specialization approach could solve this issue.
  • The ressource sharing could be solved with a reactive platform or a data streaming like Kafka.


Must have

We recommend you

Install dependencies

# with anaconda
$ conda env create -f environment.yml # create virtual environment
$ conda activate warmup # enter VE
# or
$ source activate warmup
(warmup) $ conda deactivate # exit VE