Symfony Base Repository

This repository contains the basic configuration to run Symfony applications with MySQL database


  • PHP-APACHE container running version 8.2
  • MySQL container running version 8.2.0


  • make build to build the containers
  • make start to start the containers
  • make stop to stop the containers
  • make restart to restart the containers
  • make prepare to install dependencies with composer (once the project has been created)
  • make logs to see application logs
  • make ssh to SSH into the application container

Create and Run the application

  • [Optional] Replace all the occurrences of symfony-skeleton-app in the whole project with some name more meaningful for your project
  • make start to build and start the containers (you can use your IDE find and replace option to do so)
  • SSH into the container with make ssh
  • Create a Symfony project using the CLI (e.g. symfony new --no-git --dir project). See symfonycommand info for more options
  • Move all the content in the project folder to the root of the repository (do not forget to move also .envfile)
  • Add the content of .gitignore file to the root one, it should look like this

###> symfony/framework-bundle ###
###< symfony/framework-bundle ###