
A website that shows you nice and motivational quotes from different authors.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

#Sublime Text Quotes

With this app basically you can read some nice and inspirational quotes, I made a parser with a library called Simple HTML DOM Parser written in PHP lenguaje in order to fill the database, also I create an option for adding your own phrases, so any people can write their nice quotes.

At the end I would like to make a view with CSS where you can see all this phrases like this

Sublime Text Quotes

#Database connection.

$conexion = @mysql_connect("localhost","USERNAME","PASSWORD");
($conexion) ? $db = @mysql_select_db("DATABASE NAME") : die("Ops! We had some issues connecting to the database: ".mysql_error());
($db) ? "" : die("Error ".mysql_error());

#Table for phrases.

CREATE TABLE  `phrases` (
 `phrase_id` INT( 255 ) NOT NULL ,
 `phrase` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL ,
 `slug` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL ,
 `author` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL ,
 `img_src` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL ,
PRIMARY KEY (  `phrase_id` ) ,

#Final view

#Online demo http://sublimetextquotes.herokuapp.com