
Tool that generates a report with all the TODO annotations found in your Dart code.

Primary LanguageDartMIT LicenseMIT


todo reporter

Tool that generates a report with all the TODO annotations found in your Dart code.

Updated September 2020

Pubspec fixes:

  • Updated minimum Dart version to 2.7.0
  • Updated all parts to latest available version w/ one exception (build system error)
  • Pinned the analyzer version to avoid build error (should be removable w/ Dart 2.10)

Removed Flutter wrapper on the example (simplifies build).

Added mono_repo YAML files to simplify package management.

Building and running

  1. Install mono_repo
  2. Use it to run pub get for all subprojects
  3. cd example
  4. pub run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs