
Tools I use to work with Liferay source code

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Liferay Source Tools

Here we have some tools that helps a lot to work with Liferay source code.


Sometimes, we have a path to a file in an OSGi module, and we need the module path. osgimodule returns the module's path from the file path:

$ osgimodule modules/apps/calendar/calendar-service/src/main/java/com/liferay/calendar/internal/recurrence/RecurrenceSplitImpl.java 

Why is it useful? Glad you asked!


fargw receives a list of paths to Gradle projects, and executes a command on each one of them:

$  echo '/home/adam/software/liferay-portal/modules/apps/calendar/calendar-service
> /home/adam/software/liferay-portal/modules/apps/site/site-impl
> ' | fargw formatSource
Starting a Gradle Daemon (subsequent builds will be faster)

It is useful, for example, when you have changes in many Liferay modules, and want to execute a Gradle task in only the changed ones. First, you get a list of modules using osgimodule:

$ git diff --name-only
$ git diff --name-only | xargs -L1 osgimodule

...then you pass this list to fargw:

$ git diff --name-only | xargs -L1 osgimodule | sort -u | fargw deploy
Starting a Gradle Daemon (subsequent builds will be faster)


lrdeptree.sh reads paths to Liferay modules from the standard input, and prints all other Liferay modules it depens on:

$ echo modules/apps/calendar/calendar-api/ | lrdeptree.sh 

This is, again, very useful when used with fargw. For example, my Eclipse projects often appeared as broken, because some projects got new projects as dependences, or their dependencies had new Maven jars, which required regenerating all .classpath files... I used to solve it this way:

$ $ ls -d modules/apps/portal-search/portal-search* | lrdeptree.sh  | fargw eclipse

How to install

Just copy the scripts to your a directory in your $PATH. You may need to make them executable.