
This project is his first project as a student at age 42. Some functions from the C standard library have been recoded, as well as some other utility functions that you will use throughout your course.

Primary LanguageC


Objetivo deste projeto é codificar uma biblioteca C reagrupando funções usuais que poderemos usar em todos os outros projetos da 42.

Objective of this project is to code a C library regrouping usual functions that we will be able to use in all 42 other projects.

A maior parte está na biblioteca C (veja man). Outros não estão na biblioteca C, mas será muito útil ainda mais. Estas funções estão descritas no assunto.

The most part is in C library (see man). Others are'nt in the C library but it will be so usefull further. This functions are described in subject.



  • Imperative programming
  • Rigor
  • Algorithms & AI

My grade

🚧 project:

Libft42 $ make

🚿 Clean Obj files:

Libft42 $ make clean

🚿 🚿 Clean All (obj files + binary):

Libft42 $ make fclean

🚿 🚿 🚧 Clean All + build:

Libft42 $ make re

See Makefile

C Library ctype.h
Libft Description
ft_isalnum Checks if the character passed is alphanumeric.
ft_isalpha Checks if the character passed is alphabetic.
ft_isascii Checks if the character passed is ASCII.
ft_digit Checks if the character passed is decimal digit.
ft_isprint Checks if the character passed is printable, including space.
ft_tolower Converts uppercase letters to lowercase.
ft_toupper Converts lowercase letters to uppercase.
C Library Sting.h
ft_bzero Resets the dynamic memory region replacing whatever is there by null to clear it of junk values.
ft_memchr Looks for the first occurrence of the character c (an unsigned character) in the first n bytes of the pointed string, by the str argument.
ft_memcmp Compares the first n bytes of memory area str1 and memory area str2.
ft_memcpy assign each character of src pointer to dest pointer as counter is less than the size, and returns the dest pointer.
ft_memmove Copy bytes of length from buffer pointed to by src to buffer pointed to by std. Copying overlapping regions is handled safely.
ft_memset Fills length bytes starting at dst with the value C.
ft_strchr finds the first occurrence of C (converted to a char) in the string pointed to by S.
ft_strlcat appends the NULL terminated string src to the end of dst.
ft_strlcpy Copy up to length 1 character from NULL terminated string src to dst, ending in NULL the result.
ft_strlen Counts how many characters there are while the parameter passed is not null.
ft_strncmp Compares at most the first n bytes of str1 and str2.
ft_strnstr Finds the first occurrence of the null term string nated s2 in string s1, where no more than n characters are searched.
ft_strrchr look for the last occurrence of the character c (an unsigned character) in the string pointed to by the str argument
C Library Stdlib.h
ft_atoi converts the initial portion of the string pointed to by nptr to int. Atoi() does not detect errors
ft_calloc allocates memory for an array of nmemb elements of size each and returns a pointer to the allocated memory.
Non-stantard C Library
ft_itoa Converts the int to a string (type char *).
ft_putchar_fd Displays the 'c' character for the given file descriptor.
ft_putendl_fd Displays the string 's' for the given file descriptor, followed by a newline.
ft_putnbr_fd Display the integer 'n' for the given file descriptor.
ft_putstr_fd Display the string 's' for the given descriptor file.
ft_strdup Returns a pointer to a new string that is a duplicate of string s.
ft_strjoin returns a newstring, which is the result of concatenating 's1' and 's2'.
ft_strmapi Apply the 'f' function to each character of the string 's' to create a new string.
ft_strtrim returns a copy of 's1' with the characters specified in 'set' removed from beginning and end of string.
ft_substr Returns a substring of the string 's'. The substring starts at index 'start' and is of maximum length 'len'.
Chained lists manipulation
ft_lstadd_back Adds the element at the end of the list.
ft_lstadd_front Adds the element at the beginning of the list.
ft_lstclear Deletes and frees the given element and every successor of that element, using a given function and free.
ft_lstdelone Takes as a parameter an element and frees the memory of the element’s content using a function given as a parameter and free the element.
ft_lstiter Iterates the list and applies a function to the content of each element.
ft_lstlast Returns the last element of the list.
ft_lstmap Iterates the list and applies a function to the content of each element. Creates a new list resulting of the successive applications of the function. A 'del' function is used to delete the content of an element if needed.
ft_lstnew Returns a new element.
ft_lstsize Counts the number of elements in a list.

Made with:

Jorge Alves


Alfredo Neto


Alexandre Zamarion
