-------------------------------------------------------------------- ARTWORK GENERATOR v0.1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Using processing.js to generate artwork from audio descriptors Author: Jorge Garcia [info@jorgegarciamartin.com] Coded at MIDEM Music Hack Day, Cannes (France) 23-24 January 2011 [http://cannes.musichackday.org] Acknowldegements: Thomas Bonte & Michael Schieben for the help with the code and developing the idea. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Please visit libraries websites for further info: EchoNest analysis tools [http://developer.echonest.com] jquery-1.4.4.js [http://docs.jquery.com/Downloading_jQuery] processing.js [http://processingjs.org/download]
Code used for the hack made at MIDEM Hack Day in Cannes. The aim was to generate cover artwork by means of music descriptors.