
Woooh, it's just me, myself and I

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Hello World!

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side Gif
  • 🔭 I’m currently working as a Software Developer in Bengaluru, India
  • 🌱 I’m currently learning Machine Learning and Big Data
  • 💬 Ask me about multiplayer FPS gaming, chess and Tintin comics
  • 😄 Pronouns: He / Him
  • ⚡ Fun fact: My name is an anagram of "I Play Data"

📫 How to reach me:


👨🏻‍💻 Languages and Tools



I am currently aiming to reach ELO 1500 blitz on chess.com ⚡. Here is an ascii tracker of my 100 previous chess.com blitz games.
# ♟︎ Chess.com Ratings Chart #

Blitz Rating

1499.00  ┤
1493.56  ┤                                                          ╭╮
1488.12  ┤                                     ╭╮                  ╭╯╰╮
1482.69  ┤                             ╭╮     ╭╯│                 ╭╯  │  ╭╮
1477.25  ┤                             │╰╮    │ ╰╮  ╭╮         ╭──╯   ╰╮╭╯╰╮
1471.81  ┤                          ╭╮╭╯ ╰╮  ╭╯  ╰╮╭╯╰╮  ╭╮   ╭╯       ╰╯  │            ╭╮╭╮           ╭╮
1466.38  ┤             ╭╮           │╰╯   │ ╭╯    ││  ╰╮╭╯│  ╭╯            ╰╮╭╮╭╮      ╭╯╰╯╰╮         ╭╯│
1460.94  ┤             │╰╮  ╭╮╭╮╭╮ ╭╯     ╰─╯     ╰╯   ││ ╰──╯              ╰╯╰╯│  ╭╮  │    ╰╮  ╭╮    │ ╰╮╭─╮
1455.50  ┤           ╭─╯ ╰╮ ││││││╭╯                   ╰╯                       ╰╮╭╯╰╮╭╯     │  │╰╮  ╭╯  ╰╯ ╰
1450.06  ┤          ╭╯    │╭╯╰╯╰╯╰╯                                              ╰╯  ╰╯      ╰╮╭╯ ╰╮╭╯
1444.62  ┼╮        ╭╯     ╰╯                                                                  ││   ││
1439.19  ┤│       ╭╯                                                                          ╰╯   ╰╯
1433.75  ┤╰╮     ╭╯
1428.31  ┤ ╰╮   ╭╯
1422.88  ┤  │╭╮╭╯
1417.44  ┤  ╰╯││
1412.00  ┤    ╰╯

Chart last updated - Sun Jun 13 13:42:56 IST 2021