
Virtual Exhibition Builder

Primary LanguageJava

Virtual Exhibition Builder, an interactive software tool aimed at the creation of virtual exhibitions, given a 3D model of the physical environment of the museum described in an X3D file, and information about the artworks. The development of this tool was supported by the inputs of museum experts.

The following publications describe the software tool:

J. Gomes, M. B. Carmo, and A. P. Cláudio (2011). "Creating and Assembling Virtual Exhibitions from Existing X3D Models". Tech. rep. TR-2011-4. Departamento de Informática, Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa http://repositorio.ul.pt/handle/10455/6748 http://repositorio.ul.pt/bitstream/10451/14183/1/TR-2011-4.pdf

J. Gomes, M. B. Carmo, and A. P. Cláudio (2011). "Virtual Exhibition Builder". In: International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (GRAPP), pp. 330–333 http://www.di.fc.ul.pt/~bc/artigos/Gomes-GRAPP2011.pdf