
Confs - a configuration file manager

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Confs - a configuration file manager


CONFS(1)                    General Commands Manual                   CONFS(1)

       confs - manage multiple types and versions of config files

       confs [-v] [-p|t] [--path PATH] command [args ...]

       -v, --verbose  Enable verbose output
       -p, --pretty   Force pretty output
       -t, --terse    Force terse output
       --path <path>  Use an alternative confs data path

       show      [identifier ...]
       create     identifier
       migrate    identifier path ...
       install    identifier [target ...]
       uninstall  identifier
       enable     identifier
       delete     identifier  NOT IMPLEMENTED
       add [-f, --is-file] identifier name dest
       config [get key | set key value | show]

       Where  identifier  is  either a type or a concatination of the type and
       the alt name using a /, resulting in type/alt.

       confs manages multiple versions of configuration file types.

       For example the type vim can have the versions (called  alts)  program‐
       ming,  writing  and  spacevim, each serving different purposes and con‐
       taining different ~/.vim, and ~/.vimrc files and directories.

       Runs the /bin/env tree command on the confs data path.

   show [identifier ...]
       Shows a list of all types or those identified by identifier ...

   create identifier
       Creates a type and or alt.

   migrate identifier path ...
       Moves destinations at path ... to the  alt  identifier,  replacing  the
       files/dirs at path ... with symlinks to those controlled by confs.

   install identifier [target ...]
       Enables  and  installs  all,  or only the specified targets for the alt
       identifier.  This removes the symlinks from  the  previously  installed
       type first (see the uninstall command).

   uninstall identifier
       Uninstalls the symlinks of the installed alt identifier.

   enable identifier
       Sets the alt identifier to the enabled alt of its type.

       NOTE:  This only sets the enabled symlink of the type to resolve to the
       path of the alt, it does not install it.  Therefore the install command
       is probably the one you want to use.

   delete identifier NOT IMPLEMENTED
       Deletes a type, or alt. NOTE that only the alt will be deleted if spec‐
       ified, not its corresponding type.

   add [-f, --is-file] identifier name dest
       Creates a new target for the alt identifier named  name,  which  should
       install to dest.

       The  [-f,  --is-file]  flag  specifies  that the contents of the target
       should be a file, instead of a directory.

       NOTE: The add command neither copies from dest, nor installs  any  sym‐
       links outside of the confs data path.

   config [get key | set key value | show]
       Used to display the current configuration options, set a key value pair
       or get the value of a key.  'NOT FUNCTIONAL'

              The default path to store the configuration data.

              The configuration file. NOT CURRENTLY USED

       confs only supports having one alt enabled at the same time  per  type.
       However, any combination of targets can be installed for the given alt.
       type and alt names CANNOT contain dashes (/).

       Written by jorgenbele <https://www.github.com/jorgenbele>

       GNU General Public License v3 (GLPv3)

       Copyright (c) 2018, jorgenbele All rights reserved.


