ROS rx

Helpers used to convert to/from ROS topics and observables.


Subscribe to a topic as an observable

The method observabletopic() supports the same signature as rospy.Subscriber.


from rosrx import observabletopic
from std_msgs.msg import String

source = observabletopic('/chatter', String)

source.subscribe(lambda msg: rospy.loginfo(

Publish observable values to a topic

from rosrx import TopicObserver
from std_msgs.msg import String

from rx import interval
from rx.operators import map

source = interval(1.0)
source.pipe(map(lambda value: 'hello world {}'.format(value))).subscribe(
            observer=TopicObserver('/chatter', String, queue_size=1))


Publish new version

# Create a source archive in dist/
python sdist bdist_wheel

# Upload to pypi
twine upload dist/*