
SBT Plugin to deploy to stax.net

Primary LanguageScala

Stax SBT Plugin

Integration for SBT that lets you deploy apps to stax.net


Define the plugin information in your Plugins.scala

  class Plugins(info: ProjectInfo) extends PluginDefinition(info) {
    val stax = "eu.getintheloop" % "sbt-stax-plugin" % "1.0"
    // repos
    val staxReleases = "stax-release-repo" at "http://mvn.stax.net/content/repositories/public"

Add the stax plugin to your SBT project

  class LiftTravelProject(info: ProjectInfo) 
      extends DefaultWebProject(info) 
      with stax.StaxPlugin {
        // stax
        override def staxApplicationId = "whatever"
        override def staxUsername = "youruser"
        // leave out and you'll be prompted at deploy time
        // override def staxPassword = "password"