
API to RSVP to wedding invitation

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Wedding RSVP

API to RSVP to wedding invitation.

Built with Express.js and Firebase Cloud Functions. Invitations are saved in Firebase Cloud Firestore.

Setting up

Setup instructions copied and adapted from Firebase SDK for Cloud Functions Quickstart.

1. Clone this repo

Clone or download this repo.

2. Create a Firebase project and configure the quickstart

Create a Firebase Project on the Firebase Console.

Set up your Firebase project by running firebase use --add, select your Project ID and follow the instructions.

3. Install the Firebase CLI

You need to have installed the Firebase CLI, and it always helps to be on the latest version. Run:

npm install -g firebase-tools

Doesn't work? You may need to change npm permissions.

Try the sample locally

First you need to install the npm dependencies of the functions:

cd functions && npm install; cd ..

To run functions locally follow this guide and make sure you complete the Setup admin credentials step.

Start serving your project locally using firebase serve

Open the app in a browser at http://localhost:5000/api/v1/invitations/. A page containing the response for the GET invitations endpoint will be displayed. You can find all the endpoints at ENDPOINTS.md.

Deploy the app to prod

First you need to install the npm dependencies of the functions:

cd functions && npm install; cd ..

This installs locally the Firebase SDK and the Firebase Functions SDK.

Deploy to Firebase using the following command:

firebase deploy

The first time you call firebase deploy on a new project with Functions will take longer than usual. Since Node's engine version is set to 10 on package.json you might need to enable Billing for your Firebase's project, otherwise you won't be able to deploy your project to prod. Feel free to try different Node's versions.

Try the sample on prod

After deploying the function you can open the following URL in your browser:


A page containing the response for the GET invitations endpoint will be displayed.