
Primary LanguageJavaScript



To install this library, run:

$ npm install ngxuploader --save

Consuming your library

You can import your library in any Angular application by running:

$ npm install ngxuploader

and then from your Angular AppModule:

import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser';
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';

import { AppComponent } from './app.component';

// Import ngxuploader
import { NgxUploaderComponent } from 'ngxuploader';
import { UploaderService } from 'ngxuploader';

  declarations: [
  imports: [

    // Specify your library as an import
providers: [UploaderService],
  bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule { }

Once your library is imported, you can use this component in your Angular application:

<!-- You can now use your library component in app.component.html -->


The component have inputs for support diferent functionalities:

This are the default values =>

  @Input() textUpload: string = 'Upload';
  @Input() recommend: string = 'Recommend minimum size 100x100px';
  @Input() textDrop: string = 'Drop Here';
  @Input() token: string = '';
  @Input() urlBackend: string = 'http://localhost:8080/api/file/';
  @Input() appends: Array<iAppend>;

You can change in the component, for example:

    [textUpload]=" 'Upload here' "
    [recommend]=" {{ recommendText }} "
  • If you need a token for upload the file you need put the token in the parameter token

extra parameters

  • appends is all parameters extras for your upload, any parameter extra you need put in the appends
export interface iAppend {
    name: string;
    value: string;

For example the folder in your server for upload the file

myAppend = [
    { 'uploadFolder': '/avatarFolder' }


To generate all *.js, *.d.ts and *.metadata.json files:

$ npm run build

To lint all *.ts files:

$ npm run lint


report in github


stackblitz the demo its only angular right now, you need put your urlBackend :)


MIT © Jorge Cano