
Simple Docker container of Matomo

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT

Repo for updating private Matomo docker images

This repo is for customizing your docker images of Matomo and pushed to your private registry.

Created from examples in the official matomo-org/docker repo.

The finished image is roughly about 200-400MB, depending on if you need custom files. So make sure your registry has the capacity to upload and host such large files. E.g nginx conf:

client_max_body_size 400M;

How to use

Clone down repo

git clone git@github.com:jorgeuos/matomo-docker.git
cd matomo-docker

Copy and edit the envars-sample.conf file.

cp envars-sample.conf envars.conf

The reason why I use envars.conf is just because historically Docker ignores . files when copied into containers. Read this thread on StackOverflow, extarnal link.

Modify to your needs

E.g. if you have a premium license, you need to uncomment:

# && ./premium-plugins.sh \

Or if you have custom files you want copied into your Matomo,

cp custom-script-example.sh custom-script.sh

And uncomment and change the custom-script.sh file.

&& ./custom-script.sh \

Build and tag image

Build to check that everything works.

docker build . -t jorgeuos/matomo:4.13.0

Or whatever you want to name your image...

Tag and push image to your private registry:

docker image tag jorgeuos/matomo:4.13.0 your.registry.com/jorgeuos/matomo:4.13.0
