
Simple framework for python and postgresql

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Simple python package for managing postgres database


$ pip install pygres


Set the configuration variables in a config.py file

SQL_DB = 'demodb'
SQL_USER = 'postgres'
SQL_PORT = '5432'

Import Db object from Pygres and config Send configurations to Db object

from pygres import Pygres
config = dict(
    SQL_HOST = '',
    SQL_DB = 'demo',
    SQL_USER = 'postgres',
    SQL_PASSWORD =  '',
db = Pygres(config)

Accesing from another python / flask module Instantiating an entity and saving data

import db

user = db.model('<table>','<table_pk>')
user.name = "John"
user.last_name = "Smith"
user.age = 25

Editing rows

If you want to edit row, just pass pass the primary key of the row you want to edit and save, set the new values and save

user = db.model('<table>','<table_pk>')
user.id_user = 1
user.name = "Jane"
user.age = 27

Rolling back and committing changes

Changes are auto commited by default while saving, but you can choose not commit an statement and roll it back if necessary:

user = db.model('<table>','<table_pk>')
for i in range(0,3):
    user.name = "User %s " % (i,)
    user.age = 10+i

if nothing_happens:

Not clearing at save / edit

You can choose not to clear the instance object when inserting or updating, this will make the object to keep the list of attributes as the last element saved.
This will only insert a record and modify the same record two times:

user = db.model('<table>','<table_pk>')
for i in range(0,3):
    user.name = "User %s " % (i,)
    user.age = 10+i

Querying row

To query a row form the instanced table that returns a dictionary with the format { 'column' : 'value', ... } justo do:

user_row = user.values

Quick querying multiple rows

To execute any sql statement...

q = db.query(
    SELECT * from <table> WHERE <col> = %s

To fetch rows as a list of dictionaries if any returned from the executed statement...

rows = q.fetch()

The returned variable will be in the format

        'id_row' : 1
        'column1' : 'value',
        'column2' : 'value'
        'id_row' : 2
        'column1' : 'value',
        'column2' : 'value'


Postgres reqs for testing

Prerequisites for testing:

  • Install PostgreSQL
  • Create database 'demo'
  • Create table 'test'
    • id_test [serial]
    • name [text]
    • value [text]
    • date [timestamp]

Local Build

To build package and install, you first create a virtualenv and execute the following:

python setup.py sdist bdist_wheel

This will generate a build, dist and pygres.egg-info then you can install locally the built package with:

pip install dist/pygres-<version>-py3-none-any.whl