
Necessary modules to program your M5Stick-C without Uiflow firmware

Primary LanguagePython

If you wish to use pure micropython with your M5Stack device rather than UiFlow you can download these modules and transfer them to your M5Stack with a program such as uPyloader, VScode, Mu or Thonny

All these modules were created by awesome members of the M5Stack user community. You can find the original repositories here:

LCD Module https://gist.github.com/pklazy/9fa33b07b337cb61e415377e0bbb6616/revisions

MPU6886 https://www.hackster.io/324677/fun-with-atom-matrix-323e3b

Wifi Manager, AXP192 and other misc modules https://github.com/karfas/M5StickC-upy