SKETCHSENSE (draws recognition with Machine Learning and Javascript)

This GitHub repository features a machine learning application built with JavaScript that can recognize drawings using labeled data and the KNN algorithm. The frontend is built with Next.js and TypeScript, while the backend is built with Node.js. The backend handles data manipulation, dataset generation, and serves the data through an API.

The user interface is divided into two main parts. The first part is the Data Entry page, where users can create draws, which serve as the labeled data that will later be sent to the backend for processing. The second part is the Data Visualization page, which features a scrollable list of all registered draws and a sketch table where users can draw and see the AI in action, generating predictions in real-time.

With its powerful combination of machine learning and JavaScript, this project provides a unique and engaging way to learn about AI and recognize hand-drawn images. Whether you're a developer looking to explore the intersection of machine learning and frontend development or simply interested in discovering how AI works, this repository is an excellent resource to get started