
SAP Cloud Application Programming Model (CAP) sample code project with multitenancy using service manager-created SAP HANA containers for tenant data isolation.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

REUSE status

Cloud CAP Multitenancy

Cloud Application Programming(CAP) Node.JS sample code project with multitenancy using service manager created HANA containers for tenant data isolation.


This repository contains a complete Multi-Target Application (MTA) sample project that is an example of using the SAP Cloud Application Programming(CAP) approach and it's multitenancy support library to provide true enterprise multitenant application.

There are many disparate pieces of information found throughout the SAP documentation as well as the CAP centric documentation, but it is difficult to bring them together as a cohesive whole. This sample code project provides a good starting point for those wanting to build a best-practice multitenant enterprise application on SAP Cloud Platform.

This project is implemented completely in the Node.JS programming language. A java programing language multitenant sample code project can be found at https://github.com/SAP-samples/cloud-cap-samples-java. See the Demonstrated Features section of the README.


There are several branches in this repo and a little context is warrented.

This sample utilizes the CAP multitenancy library(cds-mtx) to handle customer subscriptions which result in the ServiceManager creating run-time HANA hdi-shared containers. In the original master branch this was tested where each subscribing customer would have their own distinct container with no need of joining the customer container with any shared data. If this is your use case, then you'll find this version was saved in the single-container branch which will work with versions of the cds-mtx library < 1.0.27. For use cases where joining per subscriber containers with a singluar common container, a bug was discovered in the library that prevented run-time container deployments upon subscriptions. A work-around is provided in the xcontainer branch that will work with cds-mtx library < 1.0.27. This work-around effectively performs a secondary deploy with the proper environment that accomplishes the desired result. Once a fix was provided in cds-mtx >= 1.0.27, the work-around was no longer needed and the code removed and the fix-things branch was created in order to facilitate testing of the fix. Once the fix was confirmed effective the code was merged back into the master branch.

The master branch going forward implements the use-case where each run-time container will be joined with a "common container"(as defined in the db_comm folder). The cds-mtx >= 1.0.27 will accomodate this use-case.


Download and Installation

- name: capmt-srv
  type: nodejs
  path: srv
     CF_API_USER: user@domain.com
     CF_API_PW: xxxxxx
  • OR - after deployment,
  1. Create a file called .env with the following.
CF_API_USER=<Your User>
CF_API_PW=<Your Password>
  1. Run this command to set the ENVIRONMENT with your specifics.
set -o allexport; source .env; set +o allexport
  1. Update the environment for the capmt-srv module in the CF_CDEDS.sh script.
cf set-env capmt-srv CF_API_USER $CF_API_USER
cf set-env capmt-srv CF_API_PW $CF_API_PW
cf restage capmt-srv

Project Structure

File / Folder Purpose
README.md this getting started guide
COMMANDS.md commands for building/deploying
app/ content for UI frontends go here
db/ database definitions go here
documentation/ supplemental documentation
srv/ your service module code goes here
mta.yaml project structure and relationships
package.json project metadata and configuration


Replace .hana.demand.com with the landscape region variant for your account.

See the COMMANDS file for commands for building and deploying the project.

Known Issues

This example project contains no known issues.


The creation and assignment of Roles to Roll Collections and the assignment of Roll Collections is limited to global accounts with "Feature Set B".

How to obtain support

Create an issue in this repository if you find a bug or have questions about the content.

For additional support, ask a question in SAP Community.


See the Multitenancy section under Cookbook in the CAP documentation. Multitanancy

Also the broader public CAP Documentation.

Reporting Problems and Contributing Enhancements

An SAP Code Sample such as this is open software but is not quite a typical full-blown open source project. If you come across a problem, we’d encourage you to check the project’s issue tracker and to file a new issue if needed. If you are especially passionate about something you’d like to improve, you are welcome to fork the repository and submit improvements or changes as a pull request.

To-Do (upcoming changes)

Tools used throughout the development of this project are evolving and my change over time. This may result in discrepancies in the exact procedures or screen-clips in the accompanying blog posts. All efforts will be made to update the content in order to keep pace with the tooling, but cannot be guaranteed.

Learn more...

Learn more in the CAP documentation at CAPIRE

A blog post discussing this code sample can be found on SAP Community.

See: Getting your head into Cloud Application Programming model multitenancy for a detailed discussion.


Copyright (c) 2020 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. This project is licensed under the Apache Software License, version 2.0 except as noted otherwise in the LICENSE file.