
Primary LanguageTypeScript

Getting started

Install Angular on NixOS

  • check default.nix which is prepared for the nix-shell
  1. check Angular version after installing: $ ng --version
  2. new project: $ ng new <project-name>
  3. view it move to project dir and: $ ng serve
  4. check typescript version: $ tsc --version
  • getting started with typescript
  • typescript folder includes mini .ts tutorial

Components in Angular (encapsulates Data, Logic, HTML-Template)

Steps to approach:

  1. Create component (like i did with: courses.component.ts)
  2. Register it in a module (add it to app.moudle.ts)
  3. Add an element in an HTML markup (add component to app.component.html)
  • another approach would be to create the component automatically
    1. $ ng g c course (g = generate, c = component) this creates a whole folder with all needed components
    2. done!

Modify the DOM

import { Component } from '@angular/core';

    selector: 'courses', //selector in DOM tree
    template: `
    <h2>{{ title }}</h2>
        <li *ngFor="let course of courses">   
            {{ course }}
export class CoursesComponent {
    title = 'List of courses';
    courses = ["course1", "course2", "course3"];

    getTitle() {
        return this.title;

the * is used when you want to modify something in the DOM. Here it is done by a Angular for-loop

Services (Request HTTP Enpoint to get data from a server for example)

A service and its logic should be separated from the components code, which only should be responsible for the view of the elements. Furthermore a service is a plain typscript class so it has no Angular decorator.

To make the class better testable (for instance with mock objects) use DI whenever possible.

So in the class which is consuming the service....:

    constructor() {
        let service = new CoursesService();
        this.courses = service.getCourses();

better use DI

    constructor(service: CoursesService) {
        this.courses = service.getCourses();

The important thing is, if you want to use DI you have to register your service in app.module.ts within the providers array. So it will be available in the whole project (Singelton pattern)

Its possible to create a service with angular cli

$ ng g s service (s = service)