
My InterviewBit problems and solutions collection

Primary LanguageHTML


InterviewBit problems and C++ solutions collection in HTML5

Live demo


3rd-party libs

  • Marked for the client-side Markdown rendering
  • Prism for the client-side C++ highlighting

No jQuery or React or Vue, all in Vanilla JavaScript.


  • ESC or Ctrl+F - toggle expand / collapse
  • - next problem
  • - previous problem

You also can run index.html without a server:

  • Chrome: use --allow-file-access-from-files command line option
  • Firefox: about:config, security.fileuri.strict_origin_policy=false
  • Edge: works with default settings

For editing Markdown files locally I recommend Markdown Viewer (Chrome plugin).


All possible copyrights belong to https://www.interviewbit.com

This is probably the most complete offline collection up to date (~300 documents).

No web scraping involved, everything is rewritten and/or solved by my bare hands.

(Got to 5th place!)
