
Monokai-like Far Manager color scheme

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Monokai-like color schemes and syntax definitions for the FAR Manager



This is not just a color scheme, it's also syntax rules. Default Far syntax rules do not fully support Monokai color definitions so I had to extend them. There's no sense in using just the color scheme (monokai.hrd) without syntax definitions (monokai.hrc). Also you can't switch them off in settings so you'd have to use Monokai everywhere.



copy *.hrc %FARHOME%\Plugins\FarColorer\base\auto\


copy *.hrd %FARHOME%\Plugins\FarColorer\base
copy *.xml %FARHOME%\Plugins\FarColorer\base

  • Open editor file, press F11, select Far Colorer, Configure, Main settings
  • Set "Users file of color styles" to %FARHOME%\Plugins\FarColorer\base\catalog-user.xml
  • Select "Monokai" in schemes.

Reload colorer: open text editor, then F11 - Far Colorer - Reload (or restart Far).

Color settings

You can use monokai colors both in a console and in an RGB (TrueMod) mode. Default 16-color is recommended.

  • First, use Far.exe /import far-colors.farconfig to import color settings for the Far interface ("DN-like" colors).
  • Recommended (Conemu): copy/paste color section (RGB values) from misc/conemu-colors.xml to conemu.xml.


  • Alternatively (windows shortcut): Adjust RGB values in the application shortcut (but I'd rather use Conemu).


  • Alternatively, use Monokai-RGB TrueMod (conemu only). Use misc/conemu_to_rgb.py to rebuild RGB scheme.


Note that whitespace color is buggy in the stock colorer in the RGB mode, it uses inverted (RGB->BGR) def:Text colors. You may download patched colorer with def:Whitespace support in the releases section. My schemes already support this feature. You don't really need it though, default whitespace color in 16-color mode looks fine.

Supported syntax

  • Python, C/C++, HTML, Proto, GLSL/HLSL (script tags also), JSON, Go, JavaScript, Markdown (fenced code blocks).

Default text is light grey to support stock colorer whitespace color and be readable. It kind of supports all Colorer languages but you'd have to add a lot of extra rules to match the original Monokai. Pull requests are welcome.