
Computer not detecting nrfMicro 1.1 over USB, after I was able to flash bootloader using blackmagic and bluepill

harshitgoel96 opened this issue · 4 comments

hi. i was able to flash the nrf micro using bluepill. there was warning, but no error. after flashing when i connect the micro to pc using micro usb, it is not getting detected by the pc. nor there is any led activity on the board.

I am getting Vcc reading of around 3v over usb, so vcc, and GND are connected properly. could it be issue with data line under pads? Data pads are also connected properly as i am able to get continuity between USB port and e73

joric commented

Check soldering or something. I don't have an universal solution for that. Check usb connector (it often gets shorted), and USB data (it's on the outer pads).

YHRen commented

@harshitgoel96 can you direct me to how to flash the nrf? I have v1.1 soldered, but not sure how to flash it. Thank you.

joric commented

@YHRen what the hell man. Did you miss the entire wiki