
Utility to copy the available issue labels from one Github repo to another.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Utility to copy the available issue labels from one Github repo to another.

tldr: node index.js -u jorihardman -c /Users/jori/.githubconfig -s source_repo -d dest_repo

  index.js [OPTIONS] [ARGS]

  -c, --configFile [PATH]Github config file path (Default is ~/.githubconfig)
  -u, --srcUser STRING   User name
      --destUser STRING  Destination user name when source/dest differ
  -s, --srcRepo STRING   Source repository
  -d, --destRepo STRING  Destination repository
  -h, --help             Display help and usage details

** Setup **

  • Go to your Github Preferences -> Applications -> Personal Access Tokens
  • Generate a token, be sure to save its value.
  • Ensure repo is selected as a scope.
  • Save this in a file in your home directory.
    • /home/youruser/.githubconfig for linux
    • C:\Users\youruser_githubconfig on Windows
    • Note the . vs the _
  • Save this key in a JSON formatted file that looks like this
      "personalAccessToken": "15753ef81c66dd7fb75a27e0946cea677fbc192a"
  • Yeah that's an old code don't think you can go impersonating me.
  • At some point I'll upgrade to using the actual Github client and support all of the various OAuth methods.