
Muun recovery tool

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT



You can use this Recovery Tool to transfer all funds out of your Muun account to an address of your choosing.

This process requires no collaboration from Muun to work. We wholeheartedly believe that self-custodianship is an essential right, and we want to create a world in which people have complete and exclusive control over their own money. Bitcoin has finally made this possible.


Download the appropriate binary from the following table (or see BUILD.md to build it yourself), and follow the instructions below.

System Checksum Link
Linux 32-bit 4d93d4815e865b21e31e1060fcc5311b380a4ba2d0d53a6fb952850927019d8b Download
Linux 64-bit cc9ac14315a0d8b9755b274e1b31f7fb2e16c25100af83f2f54af9be8e0af901 Download
Windows 32-bit 081955009638c596af7193daaf8aae885dea12110f7620f3559bdf611224e393 Download
Windows 64-bit 4abbae9e94855e5cbf2ec44896671f26188128b3b0fdc8954cc01ba6dc533754 Download
MacOS 64-bit af245b78175d74f315af339eebfe75d495d70cd80b038fd5f00f05d7247651b9 Download


Open the downloaded file. You'll be warned that the executable is not from a Microsoft-verified source. Click More info, and then Run anyway.


Download the file to a known location (say Downloads in your Home directory), then open a terminal and run:

cd ~/Downloads
chmod +x recovery-tool-macos64
./recovery-tool-macos64 <path to your Emergency Kit PDF>

If you attempt to open the file directly, MacOS will block you from using it.


Download the file to a known location (say Downloads in your Home directory), then open a terminal and run:

cd ~/Downloads
chmod +x recovery-tool-linux64
./recovery-tool-linux64 <path to your Emergency Kit PDF>

Use the linux32 binary if appropriate.


If you have any questions, we'll be happy to answer them. Contact us at support@muun.com.

Auditing and Veryfing

This tool is open-sourced so that auditors can inspect the code, build their own binaries and verify them to their benefit and everyone else's. We encourage people with the technical knowledge to do this.

To audit the source code, we suggest you start at main.go and navigate your way from there. We always work to improve code quality and readability with each release, so that auditing is easier and more effective.

To build and verify the reproducible binaries we provide, see BUILD.md.

Responsible Disclosure

Send us an email to report any security related bugs or vulnerabilities at security@muun.com.

You can encrypt your email message using our public PGP key.

Public key fingerprint: 1299 28C1 E79F E011 6DA4 C80F 8DB7 FD0F 61E6 ED76