Cloud Native Platform Engineering Enthusiast driven by bringing people and technology together.
Sopra Steria
jorikseldeslachts's Following
- 0xERR0RGermany, Salem
- akuity
- alexellis@openfaas
- anderseknert@StyraInc
- argoproj@argoproj
- banzaicloudHungary
- brandond@k3s-io | @rancher | SUSE
- brandonleegitVirtualizationHowto
- cloudoguGermany
- cloudworkzCologne
- davidsbond@hashicorp
- dotdc@hivebrite
- ibuildthecloudAcorn Labs
- jkroepke@cloudeteer
- Joxit@jawg
- justmeandopensourceJust Me and Opensource
- kelseyhightowerGoogle, Inc
- kylemanna🌌🌎
- Lissy93@and-digital
- MarcGrolAdyen
- MicrosoftDocsRedmond, WA
- miekg
- mvisonneau@datadog, ex-@twitter
- onematchfoxMidnite IT AB
- openshift-examplesMunich
- PatAkil@Xebia
- ricsanfreMadrid, Spain
- sergelogvinovTallinn, Estonia
- sleighzy
- squidfunk@sponsorbot, @stylezen
- stenicBelgium
- terrytangyuanRed Hat
- ticketmaster
- vehagn@edgeworks-as
- vitobottaLead Platform Architect at
- xcp-ng