
Personal scripts to scrape online webshop order overviews

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Personal scripts to scrape online webshop order overviews.


This script will ask you to login on first run. If something goes wrong, just try to close the browser after initial login and rerun the script.

npm --prefix amazon install
export SCRAPER_DATA_DIR="/Users/jroovers/Documents/tmp/playwright-datadir"
export ORDER_ID="ALL" # optionally set an order id to just fetch details of a single order
export ORDER_YEAR="2021" # when setting ORDER_ID=ALL, also set the ORDER_YEAR to fetch orders for

node amazon/scraper.js


export SCRAPER_DATA_DIR="/Users/jroovers/Documents/tmp/playwright-datadir"
export ORDER_ID="ALL" # optionally set and order id to just fetch details of a single order
node bol/scraper.js