
Setup a kiosk using a Raspberry Pi and a Pimoroni HyperPixel XP 4.0 Square Touch display.

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The instructions below allow you to setup a kiosk using a Raspberry Pi and a Pimoroni HyperPixel XP 4.0 Square Touch display (but the setup can be easily adapted to a different display). The Pi will silently boot into the OS. A local NGINX server will then be started on port 8080, serving files from the /var/www/nginx-chromium-kiosk directory. Once NGINX has started, Chromium is launched in kiosk mode.

CAUTION: it is assumed that these instructions are not used on an existing installation!


  • Raspberry Pi
  • Pimoroni HyperPixel XP 4.0 Square Touch display
  • An SD card flashed using Raspberry Pi Imager:
    • Choose Rasberry Pi OS Lite (you can find it under the Raspberry Pi OS (other) menu; use the 64-bit version if you have a Raspberry Pi that supports it)
    • Enable SSH access
    • Choose a username and set a password
    • Configure Wifi if you're not using Ethernet

Note: if you see [USERNAME] (the username as configured in Raspberry Pi Imager) and/or [IP_ADDRESS] (the IP address of the Pi) placeholders in the commands below, replace them with the actual values.

Step one: configure the kernel

  1. Connect the display to the Pi, insert the SD card and boot the Pi
    Note: if you're booting the device for the first time, it will reboot once or twice while it sets everything up; be patient!

  2. SSH into the Pi:

  3. Update the OS:

    $ sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade
  4. Edit the /boot/cmdline.txt file and add the following:

    noatime logo.nologo quiet vt.global_cursor_default=0 consoleblank=1
  5. Edit the /boot/config.txt file:

    1. Add the following at the end of the file:
      # Disable the splash screen
      # Set the GPU memory to 128 MB
      # Enable the Pimoroni HyperPixel XP 4.0 Square Touch display
    2. Optionally, disable Bluetooth by adding the following at the end of the file:
      # Disable Bluetooth
    3. Optionally, disable Wifi by adding the following at the end of the file:
      # Disable Wifi

Step two: disable unnecessary systemd services

If you chose to disable Bluetooth in the previous step, we can now also disable the related systemd services:

$ sudo systemctl disable hciuart
$ sudo systemctl disable bluetooth

Step three: software installation

  1. Install Git, X11, Openbox, NGINX and Chromium:

    $ sudo apt install git xserver-xorg x11-xserver-utils xinit xloadimage openbox nginx chromium-browser
  2. Stop the NGINX systemd service from starting automatically:

    $ sudo systemctl stop nginx
    $ sudo systemctl disable nginx
  3. Create a dedicated user/group and add yourself to that group:

    $ sudo useradd nginx-chromium-kiosk -r -U -m
    $ sudo usermod -a -G nginx-chromium-kiosk [USERNAME]
    $ newgrp nginx-chromium-kiosk
  4. Edit /etc/systemd/system/getty@tty1.service.d/autologin.conf and replace it's contents with the following:

    ExecStart=-/sbin/agetty --autologin nginx-chromium-kiosk %I $TERM
  5. Clone this repository and navigate to it:

    $ git clone https://github.com/jorisvervuurt/nginx-chromium-kiosk.git nginx-chromium-kiosk
    $ cd nginx-chromium-kiosk
  6. Configure NGINX:

    1. Edit /etc/nginx/nginx.conf and update the value of the user option:

      user nginx-chromium-kiosk;
    2. Create the directory where files will be served from:

      $ sudo mkdir /var/www/nginx-chromium-kiosk
      $ sudo chown nginx-chromium-kiosk: /var/www/nginx-chromium-kiosk
      $ sudo chmod g+srwx /var/www/nginx-chromium-kiosk
    3. Enable the site:

      $ sudo rm -f /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default
      $ cp -R nginx/www/* /var/www/nginx-chromium-kiosk
      $ sudo cp nginx/nginx-chromium-kiosk /etc/nginx/sites-available/nginx-chromium-kiosk
      $ sudo ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/nginx-chromium-kiosk /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/nginx-chromium-kiosk
  7. Install the systemd service:

    $ sudo cp systemd/nginx-chromium-kiosk.service /etc/systemd/system/nginx-chromium-kiosk.service
    $ sudo cp sudoers/nginx-chromium-kiosk /etc/sudoers.d/nginx-chromium-kiosk
  8. Configure Openbox:

    $ sudo mkdir -p /home/nginx-chromium-kiosk/.config/openbox
    $ sudo cp openbox/background.png /home/nginx-chromium-kiosk/.config/openbox/background.png
    $ sudo cp openbox/autostart /home/nginx-chromium-kiosk/.config/openbox/autostart
    $ sudo cp bash/.bash_profile /home/nginx-chromium-kiosk/.bash_profile
    $ sudo chown -R nginx-chromium-kiosk: /home/nginx-chromium-kiosk/.config /home/nginx-chromium-kiosk/.bash_profile
  9. Cleanup

    $ cd ..
    $ rm -R -f nginx-chromium-kiosk

Final steps

  1. Reboot your Pi:

    $ sudo reboot now
  2. After the Pi has finished booting, you should see a welcome page being displayed on the display.

  3. Using an SFTP-client of choice, connect to the Pi and upload your files to the /var/www/nginx-chromium-kiosk directory. Make sure to overwrite the existing index.html file.

  4. Once you're done uploading, restart the systemd service:

    $ sudo systemctl restart nginx-chromium-kiosk

Optional extra steps

Setup a firewall

By default, the files served by NGINX will also be accessible by other devices in the network (via http://[IP_ADDRESS]:8080). If you don't want this, the easiest way to prevent this is to setup a firewall.

We'll use UFW for this, as it's super easy to setup.

  1. Install UFW:

    $ sudo apt install ufw
  2. By default, UFW will block all incoming connections and allow all outgoing connections.
    To prevent us from losing remote access, we need to add an allow rule for SSH:

    $ sudo ufw allow 22/tcp
  3. Finish by enabling the firewall:

    $ sudo ufw enable