
This will be a project with which I will try to build a messaging platform for IoT devices, using technologies such as NodeJS, MQTT / Mosqquito and NATS.io

GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


This will be a project with which I will try to build a messaging platform for IoT devices, using technologies such as NodeJS, MQTT / Mosqquito and NATS.io


The docker-compose.ym file contains definitions of 4 services for testing purposes (by the moment). So you could comment those that you don't need use at this moment.

  • mongo : a mongo database instance for a future catalog storage platform
  • mysql : a mysql database instance for data storage purposes
    • user: iotesuite
    • password: iotsuite
    • database: iotesuite
  • nats : a message brocker, from nats.io, where we'll subscribe for all incoming topic publications
  • mosquitto : a mqtt message broker, implemenrted with mosquitto


For the moment, I've only a mqtt message testing example made with mosquitto and nodejs, going thru the npm library, mqtt.

  1. Download and/or clone this git project

  2. Select from the Docker Compose file the desired services (for the moment, only mosquitto one is required)

  3. Run the docker compose file

    $ cd docker
    $ docker-compose up



Thre's a basic example made with nodejs and mqtt npm library.

After starts the mosquitto service, go to the mqtt examples directory, install dependencies for the example:

$ cd examples/nodejs/mqtt
$ npm install

Running the example, on startup, it will subscribe to "button" topics from mosquitto, and when somebody performs a publication to this topic.

Run the example:

~/iotsuite/examples/nodejs/mqtt$ node mqtt.js 

For testing purposes, we can publish some mqtt messages to the mosquitto service, to the topic button, so we can emulate the activation/deactivation of a swith at home.

You can use an mobile app, such like the MQTT Dash one (for Android), and create a boolean device, attached to button topic. COnnect & publish to your mosquitto service host, at 1883 port.

Then, when you'll publish some data to button topic, you will see some like this at the docker logs:

Message: 1
Message: 0
Message: 1
Message: 0