
A server & client tandem made with Node + Express + Angular

Primary LanguageCSSGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


NodExpAng is a server & client tandem made with NODejs & EXPress & ANGularJs.

Current versions are:

  • nodejs:
  • express:
  • angularjs:

The scaffolding and construction has been made following the great J Cole Morrison (see http://start.jcolemorrison.com) tutorial:

Based on the repository: https://github.com/jcolemorrison/angular-express-tutorial-part-3


You'll need the next dependencies previously installed:

  • Nodejs & NPM (basic!)
  • Yeoman Angular Generator (for further issues)
  • Express & Express Generator (for further issues)
  • SASS (depends on your system)
  • Bower (manage angular dependencies)
  • Nodemon (Node re-starter)

Proceed like this (you can see http://start.jcolemorrison.com/building-an-angular-and-express-app-part-1/ for more details):

$ npm install -g express
$ npm install -g express-generator
$ npm install -g yo
$ npm install -g generator-angular
$ npm install -g bower
$ npm install -g nodemon

After download the project and installed the dependencies, you'll see two folders:

  • client: the client project sorces
  • server: the server project sources

You must follow the following steps before running the server for the first time:

Client side

We must modify some lines from the bootstrap sources:

In your client folder:

  • run npm install & bower install to regenerate all project node and bower dependencies:
$ cd client
$ npm install
$ bower install
  • open bower_components/bootstrap-sass-official/vendor/assets/stylesheets/bootstrap.scss
  • On line 2 comment out @import "bootstrap/variables";
  • On line 8 comment out @import "bootstrap/glyphicons”;

Server side

We only need to copy one file from client to the server side, so it's necessary to start it.

  • copy from /client/app/favicon.ico to /server/dist/favicon.ico

Starting the server

You can start the server via three ways.

Test Angular client

Go to client folder and execute:

$ grunt serve

This will launh the angular test server made with Grunt. It will launch a http server that offers our application on:


Note that with this server it only runs the client code, so no connections to server are allowed.

Test Client & Server

In order to test client and server you must run client in test mode (see previus point) and start the server in tes mode too:

$ ./client/grunt serve
$ ./server/npm test

In this case we'll receive data from client served by the express server. Now we have all the Express potential in fact.

To access the client, you must access via:


Now all the calls are served by Express server in test mode.

Start in production mode

In order to run in production mode, we must create the client production distribution first, and the run the server.

Do some like this:

$ ./client/grunt --force  # generates the client production bundle
$ ./server/npm start      # starts the server in production mode

Then now you can access to:


But now the difference is that this version is optimized for production environments.

Thanks to J Cole Morrison for its great tutorial!

Enjoy it! :-)