Amundsen Marketing Site

Built using NPM, Jekyll, and Tailwind.css via npm start.

Repo structure and branches

We use GitHub pages to deploy We use GitHub organization pages (instead of project pages). There are two ways to deploy GitHub pages:

  1. You push the source (HTML, CSS, JS, etc.) to master branch and have GitHub build and deploy using Jekyll.
  2. You push the distribution (usually dist folder from building locally) to master branch.

We only support option #2 for this repository. This means that master branch contains the locally built distribution pushed. The actual code is present in the development branch. Note, as of now, you can only use master branch to put content of GitHub pages for an organization.

Making changes

In order to make changes, you'd have to make changes locally, build using Jekyll, test changes locally and then push the dist folder to the master branch. Use can follow these instructions to do local set up. In order to build, use gulp and to serve locally, use gulp serve. When ready to push, you can use this doc to see how to push dist folder from local machine to master branch.