This is a quick rundown of format and file content
- Turns off Host Key Checking
- Identifies inventory file as inventory_pod.ini
inventory_pod.ini NOTE: device ips not filled see sharepoint or pod
- access, core, router
- switches:children: access, core
Global Variables:
NOTE: usernames,passwords not filled see sharepoint or pod
- ansible_network_os=cisco.ios.ios
- ansible_become
- ansible_user
- ansible_become_method=enable
- ansible_ssh_pass
- ansible_become_pass
Note: On pod, core and access are named the host ip for each host
- templates/access_config.j2: base config template for access switch
- templates/core_config.j2: base config template for core switch
- templates/telemetry_config.j2: MDT config template for switches
ansible-pyats is installed in this folder
- Render Template to view Variable Substitutions: render_configurations.yaml uses J2 templates
- Deploy Base Config to Core Switch: core_switch_base_config.yaml uses core_config.j2 and ansible-pyats role
- Deploy Base Config to Access Switch: access_switch_base_config.yaml uses access_config.j2 and ansible-pyats role
- Audit Devices using pyATS: get_switch_info_pyats_parsers.yaml uses ansible-pyats role
- Deploy MDT Config to Switches: Task_2_Apply_MDT_Configuration/switch_MDT_config.yaml uses core_mdt_config.j2 and ansible-pyats role