
Primary LanguageShell

Getting started

  1. git clone git@github.com:jorunfa/dotfiles.git (or https://github.com/mortenvn/dotfiles.git <- cloned from, credz to him)
  2. Modify settings.sh to your needs
    • Change git name, and remove packages/applications you don't need
  3. Run the install script: ./install.sh


TODO: Nevn at det også er mulig å kjøre bare deler av installeringsskriptet. For eksempel ./hyper.sh. Dog kan det være lurt å sjekke at du har installert prerequisites allerede, ellers kan skriptet feile.

But... What does the install script DO?

Lots of things! The following things will happen in cronological order:

[?] = Optional (the installer will ask before making the change)

  • Prerequisites
    • Install Xcode Select
    • Install Homebrew
    • Install essential brew packages (e.g. fish, node, python and coreutils)
  • Fish
  • [?] Bash
  • Vim
    • Install vim-plug (vim package manager)
    • Install vim plugins (see .vimrc)
  • Git
    • Set git name and email
  • [?] Hyper
    • Install Hyper
    • Install HPM (hyper package manager)
    • Install Hyper packages
  • [?] Install global NPM packages
  • [?] Change macOS default (about 100 tweaks in total)
  • [?] Install applications (such as Chrome and Dropbox)

For more information of what the actual dotfiles does, take a look at source code.

Better terminal colors

Snazzy theme by Sindre Sorhus


You don't have to do anything. Just run install.sh or setup/hyper.sh.


  1. Open the file other/snazzy.terminal
  2. Open PreferencesProfiles
  3. Select Snazzy and click Default


  1. Open the file other/snazzy.itermcolors
  2. Select Snazzy from PreferencesProfilesColorsLoad Presets