Clone this repository with the command:
cd ~ git clone git://
You can rename it with the standard emacs name for this folder:
mv emacs-configuration .emacs.d
Update git submodules:
cd .emacs.d git submodule init git submodule sync git submodule update
Put in your ~/.emacs:
(load "~/.emacs.d/init.el")
Run emacs
I'm installing all the necesary package for elpy in each venv that I'm working on, so you should run this command in your venvs
Install necessary packages:
pip install -U -r
- ace-jump-mode
- autopair
- elpy
- expand-region
- find-file-in-project
- flycheck
- highlight-indentation
- jedi
- magit
- powerline
- projectile
- py-autopep8
- py-docformatter
- py-isort
- python-environment
- rainbow-delimiters
- solarized-theme
- undohist
- web-mode
- yasnippet
These are the hotkeys that I use most.
C-c SPC: | jump to any place in the buffer with just a hotkey plus a position key |
M-down: | |
M-up: | |
M-left: | |
M-right: | move the selected region by indentation |
C-c C-s: | performs a grep -r in the current project |
M-.: | go to definition (class, function, variable, etc) |
M.*: | go back where we was |
C-c C-z: | switch to a Python shell |
C-c C-d: | open Python documentation (class, function, etc) |
C-c C-t: | run test depending on cursor position |
C-=: | mark region based on semantics |
C-c C-f: | find a file in the current project. This uses a search-as-you-type interface for all files under the project root. |
(this hotkey comes from elpy)
C-c C-n: | go to the next Flycheck error |
C-c C-p: | go to the previous Flycheck error |
(elpy already has some hotkeys for this, but I'm using Flycheck instead of Flymake, which is the default for elpy)
C-c g: | open the Magit Status buffer |
Once on this buffer
s: | stage the selected file / chunk / directory |
k: | discart the selected file / chunk / directory |
u: | unstage the selected file / chunk / directory |
g: | refresh buffer |
c c: | commit current staged changes |
c a: | amend current staged changes to previous commit |