
Help add fileheader when file is created.

Primary LanguagePython


ZyFileheader is a plugin of Sublime Text2 which helps to add file header like

     #!/usr/bin/env python
     # -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
     # @@ScriptName: a.py
     # @@Author: Your name here<Your email here>
     # @@Create Date: 2012-11-25 22:24:14
     # @@Modify Date: 2012-11-25 22:24:34
     # @@Function:

to your new created file, and you could define the header for yourself. Currently the plugin support python and shell, which is my mostly used.


  • The easiest way to install ZyFileheader is via the excellent Package Control Plugin
    • NOTE at the time of writing this, it's not in the default Package Control channel. Please add it via
      1. Open up the command palette
      2. Select "Package Control: Add Repository"
      3. Type https://github.com/fjctlzy/ZyFileheader
    1. See the Package Control Installation Instructions
    2. Once package control has been installed, bring up the command palette (cmd+shift+P or ctrl+shift+P)
    3. Type Install and select "Package Control: Install Package"
    4. Select PlatformSettings from the list. Package Control will keep it automatically updated for you
  • If you don't want to use package control, you can manually install it
    1. Go to your packages directory and type:
    2. git clone https://github.com/fjctlzy/ZyFileheader


You could put settings below in your Perferences.sublime-settings by click "Perferences"=>"Settings - User":

"zy_file_header" : {
    "add_on_created": true,
    "file_header_format": "#*********************************************************#\n# @@ScriptName: \n# @@Author: @@author<@@email>\n# @@Create Date:\n# @@Modify Date: \n# @@Function:\n#*********************************************************#",
    "file_header_format.php": "/*********************************************************#\n# @@ScriptName: \n# @@Author: @@author<@@email>\n# @@Create Date:\n# @@Modify Date: \n# @@Function:\n#*********************************************************/",
    "file_header_format.c": "/*********************************************************#\n# @@ScriptName: \n# @@Author: @@author<@@email>\n# @@Create Date:\n# @@Modify Date: \n# @@Function:\n#*********************************************************/",
    "python": "#!/usr/bin/env python\n# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-",
    "shell": "#!/usr/bin/env bash",
    "author": "your name here",
    "email": "your email here",
    "time_format": "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",


  • Modify Date will change each time you save(CTRL+S) the file

  • ScriptName will change each time you save as(CTRL+SHIFT+S) the file

  • CTRL + 1 could add defined header to your current file which has no header

  • Custom time format, using Python datetime format, please refer to https://github.com/fjctlzy/ZyFileheader/blob/master/time_format.md

  • CTRL + 1 will use file ctime as @@Create Date for existed file

  • You could set add_on_created to false so that when file is created, the header won't be added automatically(set this to be false if you want to use multiple header formats functions now)

  • Multiple header formats such as(but add_on_created should be set to false now):

          "file_header_format.php": "/**/"
          "file_header_format.py": "#######"