Telescope Minimal Layout

A minimal layout for telescope.nvim.

screenshot screenshot

🚛 Installation

Using vim-plug:

Plug 'josa42/nvim-telescope-minimal-layout'

Using packer.nvim

use {

🔧 Setup


local telescope = require('telescope')

  defaults = {
    layout_strategy = 'minimal',

    -- [optional] adjust layout
    layout_config = {
      minimal = {
        prompt_position = 'top',
        prompt_min_width = 40,
        prompt_max_width = 80,
        preview_width = 80,

    -- [optional] hide preview by default
    preview = {
      hide_on_startup = true,

    -- [optional] toggle preview
    mappings = {
      i = {
        ['<c-p>'] = require('telescope.actions.layout').toggle_preview,


Valid keys for minimal config

  • prompt_position:
    Determines the prompt position: "top" or "bottom"

  • prompt_min_width:
    Determines the prompt minimal width.

  • prompt_max_width:
    Determines the prompt maximal width.

  • preview_width:
    Determines the preview width.

  • results_border:
    Determines whether to render a border around the results.


MIT © Josa Gesell