
Route Planner Project using A* algorithm based on graphs with an adjacency list representation, Udacity Data Structures and Algorithms Nanodegree.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Route Planner

Route Planner Project using A* algorithm, Udacity Data Structures and Algorithms Nanodegrees.

A * algorithm

This Route planner was built based on A star algorithm, that is a mix of 2 other algorithms

  • Uniform Cost Search
  • Best First Search

The Graph is denoted as M through the notebook:

  • Graph representation used here is adjacency lists
  • M.intersections: contains the list of nodes as x,y positions
  • M.roads: contains a list of the adjacencies of each node

Graph visualization example:

Our Node consist of the following fields

def __init__(self, vertex, coords, distance = 0, prev_vertex = None):
    self.vertex = vertex
    self.coords = coords
    self.start_distance = distance
    self.heuristic = 0
    self.f_value = 0
    self.prev_vertex = prev_vertex
  • Vertex: id [0, len(graph)]
  • coords: x, y positions
  • start_distance = the distance traveled by the node from start, being for the start node 0
  • heuristic = h function result
  • f_value = f_value function result
  • previous_vertex = as in Dijkstras you get the prev_vertex and when you get the goal re build it back to the start node.

The heuristic function built is pretty simple, just the distance between two points.

h = lambda a, b: sqrt((b[0] - a[0]) ** 2 + (b[1] - a[1]) ** 2)

The f value function as should be, the distance traveled plus the heuristic of the node

def f_value(total_weight, v_coord, g_coord):
    heuristic = h(v_coord, g_coord)
    return total_weight + heuristic

Shortest Path function:

def shortest_path(M, start, goal):
    g_coords = M.intersections[goal]
    open_v, closed_v = {}, {}
    current, node = init(start, M.intersections[start], g_coords)
    while current is not goal:
        for vertex in M.roads[current]:
            if closed_v.get(vertex) is not None: continue
            v_open_node = open_v.get(vertex, None) 
            new_node = get_new_node(node, vertex, M.intersections[vertex], g_coords)
            if v_open_node is None or new_node.f_value < v_open_node.f_value:
                open_v[vertex] = new_node
        current, node = update_defaults(node, open_v, closed_v, current)
    closed_v[current] = node
    return build_from_closed(goal, closed_v)

The previous function returns a list with the path traveled


def display_shortest_path(start, goal):
    path = shortest_path(map_40, start, goal)
    show_map(map_40, start=start, goal=goal, path=path)

display_shortest_path(5, 3)

Path from 5 to 3 node