
Three.js starter kit for quick prototypes

Primary LanguageJavaScript


My current worlflow for quick Three.js prototypes.



After cloning install all node dependencies

npm i

Then launch the main task to open the livereload server

npm start

You are good to go !


npm run build

Then put the content of the dist folder on your server. You can also just run use now for a quick deployment.

I usually include debug tools only in development mode. This can be done by using the DEVELOPMENT environment variable that is set by wepack.

  const gui = require('guigui') // will not be included in production


  • ES6 with Babel and Webpack
  • Glslify webpack loader
  • Postprocessing with vanruesc/postprocessing
  • My personnal GUI
  • Extandable asset loader
  • Environment variable to exclude debug stuff in production build
  • Basic config for now deployment
  • Simple setup with my ideal file structure

File Structure and coding style

I like to create "Objects" classes in src/objects that contain elements from my scene. They usually extend THREE.Object3D so that they can be added to a parent, have positions and rotations etc... I also sometime extend THREE.Mesh directly but it can be a bit restrictive since in that case you need to prepare all geometries and material in the constructor before the call to super() without being able to use this.

Also i like to avoid using the THREE global keyword and instead I import only the components that I need from three. This is pointless (for now) but it might be useful in the tree-shaking future / alternate reality.

import { Object3D, Mesh, MeshBasicMaterial } from 'three'